What can make you leave your sofa and go doing fitness in a club or a gym? It's a rather tricky question... Of course, we, girls, are obsessed with our shape and weight and promises to help us losing weight and making us fitter and more attractive are enough to make us consider visiting a fitness club. But it's more difficult issue with guys... Yes, some of them do really worry of their shape and body and they will visit fitness clubs anyway. But a part of them has to be really forced doing sports because they don't see any problems with their bodies or weight, even if there ARE problems. So, many most original advertisements for fitness clubs are aimed on this category of sedentary young men who don't worry about their bellies and mid-riffs. Some of them are really shocking and you won't forget them! These are good samples of both commercial and social advertisements (whether we will apply for membership in a certain fitness club or won't, we will still think more of our shape and of the opportunity to improve it).
Yoga is a good way to be in the harmony with your soul through special exercises, but, aside of this spiritual stuff which occupies all ads for yoga centers we should remember that asanas will make us more flexible in the first place. This interesting concept - to place a girl's photo on the bending part of a cocktail tube - will remind us of it. Although there is no slogan here, we can put it out like this: "If you start visiting our yoga center you'll soon be as flexible as this girl on your cocktail tube".
It's a very impressive example of the ad that will remind us of overweighting. A heavy man sitting on the bench is literally breaking the frame of the ad's poster. For those who want to gain weight through fitness this ad is also a very good reminder and stimulus to sign up with Fitness Company (as the fitness club is called).
This ad shows you the effect of doing fitness in a certain gym. Overweight people come into the club through wide doors and leave it through much narrower ones. What can be better in showing effects of regular sports and dieting?
Those who dream of "cubes on the stomach" and of strong protruding muscles will appreciate this transparent ad for a fitness club glued on the surface of the brick wall.
Another interesting way to advertise a gym is to turn a bus' interior into it. So, any passenger, as we see from this, can feel himself as a powerlifter.
The simple, but smart solution for advertising. Just place the photo of an obese man to the corner of the billboard and hang this billboard awry, as the man "overweights" it.
Another smart&simple advertising solution. What you need are a huge billboard with an athlete and the skyscraper which is still being built. So, the association is rather straightforward and direct - build your body like this enormous building.
Another play with overweighting - place the image of almost empty bus and place a plump girl in its corner, then hang a billboard awry. And you'll get an ideal advertising for a weight-losing program.
All these ads are quite impressive. They can restore the wish to do sports in us by showing us ideal athletic bodies that can be our owns or obese and ugly bodies of people who ignore fitness.
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