I've always been interested in social advertising. Unlike its commercial counterpart, SA can touch us more than some kind of glossy and positive images which promote certain products. Sometimes social advertisements can shock viewers, sometimes make them laugh. Anyway, the main purpose of such ads is to make its recipients to remember some certain rules, to think over their behavior, to raise some controversial issues. This ads can promote safer behavior on roads, or to be an invitation for discussion on some social matters, or make people think over some problems in our society (for example, xenophobia, or environmental issues, or the problem with stray pets etc). I'll be show you here some examples of such ads which seemed for me rather smart and interesting. Some of them can make you cry, others can make you laugh or will leave you shocked. Anyway, they've achieved their goal - now we'll think twice before leaving our garbage at woodland or before not halting at the pedestrian pass on the road. Here are only "starters":
I picked up a flower and it faded. I caught a mole and it died. And then I understood that you can touch beauty only by your heart.
Simple, somehow lyrical, but very touching ad, placed, I guess, in a park or in a forest. It urges us to enjoy natural beauty from distance, not touching and disturbing it in any way.
I picked up a flower and it faded. I caught a mole and it died. And then I understood that you can touch beauty only by your heart.
Simple, somehow lyrical, but very touching ad, placed, I guess, in a park or in a forest. It urges us to enjoy natural beauty from distance, not touching and disturbing it in any way.
If you've disposed from your garbage in the forest, you won't have good sex for 5 years (folk proverb). Eco-movement "Lilies of the valley".
Greens go fighting with picnickers who leave their waste behind. They threaten careless tourists that they'll have sexual problems if they don't change their behavior. The main effect of this ad is in its unexpectedly threatening intonation. We've got used that ecologists (except some crazy green activists who smear ladies' fur coats with red paint) choose soft, intelligent intonation in their ads, they won't threaten you. This ad can be perceived as a kind of cursing to the people who litter the woodlands.
When you've let a pedestrian cross the road you've pleased Buddha, Muhammad, Jesus and consciousness. If you believe in consciousness.
The problem that drivers won't let pedestrians cross the trafficked street is actual in Russian (and, I guess, not only Russian) cities. This billboard is aimed to drivers' religious feelings. If you let a pedestrian cross the road, you'll make your karma better. Even if you are an atheist, at least, you have consciousness to be pleased. I think it's a good example of a social ad which is not too shocking but makes us think of our behavior.
You don't have enough money to buy a baby-seat? Then don't have children.
It's a rough and direct approach to advertising but I guess it works. Some people may find it insulting and not very politically correct, but this billboard slogan reveals thoughts many people have when someone says that they have no money to provide safety for their children (in this case, to buy a baby seating for car). "Indeed, you have children, thus, you cannot do anything for their safety? Then you're a stupid ass and you shouldn't have had children at all". I think this ad can have the effect of cold shower for light-minded and arrogant people who don't think of safety (and there are still lots of them).
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