"To live with the eyes opened wide for all beautiful things... To forget where from and where to you come, what's your name. And to stare by the eyes of a child..."
Mikaloyus Chyurlenis was born on September 22nd, 1875.
He was a musician, an artist and a poet. He dreamt of the unity of all arts. He wrote: "Everything exists as the beautiful combination of colors, as the sounding of the miraculous accord..."
He shared the fate of many great talents: Chyurlenis was truly recognized only after his death.
Mikaloyus Chyurlenis was born on September 22nd, 1875.
He was a musician, an artist and a poet. He dreamt of the unity of all arts. He wrote: "Everything exists as the beautiful combination of colors, as the sounding of the miraculous accord..."
He shared the fate of many great talents: Chyurlenis was truly recognized only after his death.